Thursday, 23 June 2016

B-PAD Basics: What You Need to Know to Pass the Exam

Taking an exam in front of other people can be nerve-wracking, but as a police officer, every situation has the potential be a challenge. You’re constantly surrounded by people who are watching and judging your every move, and it’s important that officers know and understand how to assess a situation and keep control.

That’s why the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police has implemented the B-PAD , the Behavioral Personnel Assessment Device.

This exam is given in the second stage of testing, after an applicant has successfully passed the PATI (Police Analytical Thinking Inventory), WCT (Written Communications Test), and PREP (Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police). Candidates can then move to the second stage, which includes a vision and hearing test and the B-PAD.

The B-PAD is known as the Video Simulation Exercise. In this 20-minute test, candidates watch a wide variety of scenarios on a video monitor. Each of these scenarios is based on a situation that the individual might face while on duty as an officer.

Scenarios are between one and two minutes long, and then candidates have about 45 seconds to give a live response, talking as though they were actually in the situation. The scenarios typically include angry citizens, motorists, and other situations where an officer may have re-gain control and handle crisis intervention.

Scoring is based upon a candidate’s communication and interpersonal skills, as well as their sensitivity, professionalism, and judgment. It’s important to maintain your composure, respond in a calm, direct manner, and be professional and respectful.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

5 Reasons You Need Police Test Prep

When you’re about to take a test that could determine your future career, you want to give yourself every advantage. Walking blindly into your stage one testing, which includes the PATI (Police Analytical Thinking Inventory), the ............... Read More

Saturday, 18 June 2016

3 Tips for Passing the WCT

Written communication is a valuable part of many jobs, and law enforcement is no exception. While an officer spends the majority of the day working with community members to resolve situations, there are reports to file for each incident, and the responding officer is responsible for writing these reports. From a routine traffic stop to a domestic violence incident, the important details need to be documented in a clear, concise manner.

The WCT, or Written Communication Test, is a required test that must be passed by anyone who wants to become a police constable in Ontario. This test presents applicants with scenarios, and applicants must write a logical response for each. There are a few things scorers are looking for when grading your exam, though, that can make a difference.
  • Organization of information: The scorers are looking to see if the sequence of the information you’ve presented makes sense. Do the paragraphs flow in a logical order? Is the timeline of events correct?
  • Detailed information: Scorers aren’t looking at each person’s individual writing style, which may vary. Instead, they are looking to make sure the facts and opinions are clearly presented, and have supporting evidence to back them up.
  • Good grammar and spelling: Since reports will be used professionally in many different ways, especially court cases, if the need arises, the WCT scorers look for good spelling and grammar. Leave enough time at the end of your exam to read your responses; one trick to find improperly spelled words is to read the paper from the last word to the first. Most people’s brains are so trained to recognize the shape of a word that proofreading might pass over a misspelled word, and reading backwards can help prevent that.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Preparing for the PATI Test

The PATI is the most commonly recognized test for anyone interested in becoming a constable in Ontario. This written exam measures three separate reasoning aptitudes and analytical thinking abilities of candidates.
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Application Testing Services: the Importance of a Standardized Exam

The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police sees thousands of applicants each year. Plenty of hopefuls, some completely new to the workforce, and others who have come from previous careers, make it to the first stages of the exam, ready to begin a career in law enforcement.
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